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Alexander Arocho

Lives & works in the Greater Philadelphia region


2011-2015  Bachelor ofScience in Mechanical Engineering

Temple University: College of Engineering

GPA 3.53, Graduated Cum Laude


Professional Experience


  • 2015-Present - Mechanical Engineer, SP Industries: Warminster, Pennsylvania

  • 2015 - PV Designer, SolarCity: Beltsville, Maryland.

  • 2012-2014 - Computer Recycling Center: Philadelphia Pennsylvania




  • 2012-2015 -Deans List at Temple University: Spring 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015.

  • Fall 2014 - Placed 2nd at Fox School of Business Data Analytics Challenge in analyzing big data



  • Software

    • Solidworks

    • OnShape

    • AutoCAD

    • MATLAB

    • Python

    • Microsoft Office Suite

    • Linux Operating Systems

    • Design Automation

  • Rapid Prototyping

    • 3D Printing

    • Laser Cutting

    • Vacuum Forming

    • Copper Circuit Etching

    • CNC Router

    • Lathes and Mills 

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